Tuesday, May 29, 2012

ClipSync for Android Lets You Copy and Paste Between PC’s and Smartphones Easily

ClipSync 650x318 ClipSync for Android Lets You Copy and Paste Between   PC's and Smartphones Easily

We live in an age of the cloud, where if we have one thing on one device, we shall have it on all devices. ClipSync looks to take the age-old clipboard and move it into the cloud. The app involves running a client on your computer along with an application on your phone that sync together. Then once you have it set up, copying and pasting from one device to another has never been this interesting. For example, say you are on your computer and copied a URL or text message that you would like to have immediately on your phone. With ClipSync, the copied info from your computer's clipboard is made available to your phone. Open your phone, long press in a text box and paste.

The app uses WiFi or LAN and as soon as you have it set up, using the app is seamless, but we should remind you that the app is still a work-in-progress. We tried installing it ourselves and had a little bit of difficulty, however, the awesome concept has nowhere to go but up.