Thursday, March 29, 2012

This “Google has Only Generated $543 Million from Android!” Story is Hilarious

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You may have run this story today. It reads something along the lines of, "iOS makes so much more money from Google ads than Google's own Android operating system!" The various Apple blogs are having a field day with it, calling Android a "farce" or a "two-bit iOS clone" and suggesting that Google should drop it and continue to license their products to Apple or they may stop making money forever. I seriously didn't just make that up, some of these sucker sites actually wrote that today.

So here is the deal. The Guardian took Google's settlement offer to Oracle in their Java licensing dispute which is based off of a percentage of their mobile earnings and then calculated out how much money that they have made from 2008 to 2011 on Android. According to their math, it comes to somewhere around $543 million, however, their total mobile revenue is somewhere in the billions. This is where the flaming starts and Android competitors are getting all sorts of pleasure from. But there is only one problem, the amount of time involved in all of this. Let me explain.