Tuesday, July 31, 2012

How can Google Improve the Nexus Q to Get You to Buy One?

google nexus q 650x432 How can Google Improve the Nexus Q to Get You to   Buy One?

With Google announcing that retail release of the Nexus Q has been put on hold, we would actually like to thank them for this decision. We've had our Q's since May of this year and personally, I've used mine about 5 times in total. Each of these times were just to show it off to friends, which was then followed by the question, "What does it do?" Well, it doesn't really do much at all actually. Google, being the type of business they are, have seemingly realized this and are now going to give the Nexus Q some added features which will then make it more of an easy sale than just being a black orb that lights up and streams your Play content for $300.